Gift voucher

Looking for the perfect gift? Discover our gift vouchers designed to offer the ultimate beauty and well-being experience at the Entourage clinic in Lausanne.

How does it work?

  1. Choose the gift voucher amount that best suits your needs and those of the person you wish to spoil.
  2. Choose your delivery method: fast delivery by e-mail or by post.
  3. Easy use of the voucher by the recipient, by booking an appointment online or by phone at the Entourage clinic.

Why choose our gift vouchers?

  • Choose the value of your voucher according to your budget and preferences
  • Ideal for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, a party, getting back into shape or simply to please.
  • Choose to receive your gift voucher by e-mail or post.
  • Our gift vouchers provide access to our full range of cutting-edge treatments in aesthetic medicine, intimate surgery and cosmetic surgery.